Traumatic Brain Injuries
A Traumatic Brain Injury, also known as TBI, occurs when an external force injures the brain. TBI can result in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral symptoms, and the outcome of a TBI can range from complete recovery to permanent disability or death. The head itself may be struck by an object causing a closed or open head injury or a sudden impact to the body could cause a brain injury if the brain collides with the skull.
Traumatic brain injuries are often associated with motorcycle accidents, especially if the rider was thrown from the bike. Depending on how hard the head was hit and whether or not the skull itself was grazed during the injury, the brain may suffer various damages from swelling, bruising, or an actual puncture. Keep in mind that these injuries may still transpire when the rider is wearing a safety helmet. An injury this serious could range from a minor concussion to life-changing disabilities such as:
- Memory Loss
- Loss of Cognitive Skills
- Changes in Personality
- Coma
- Death
A traumatic brain injury will have a physical impact on you and a financial and emotional impact on both you and your loved ones. An attorney experienced in handling Motorcycle Accident claims will fully analyze all aspects of your case in order to determine what it is truly worth. Your goal will be to recover as much financial compensation for your claim as you can, including, but not limited to, compensation for:
- Past and Future Medical Treatment
- Physical Therapy
- Lost Earnings/Wages
- Emotional Distress
If you or someone you know have been in a motorcycle accident in Pennsylvania or New Jersey and are seeking skilled legal representation, contacting Brad Tabakin, Pennsylvania’s and New Jersey’s Motorcycle Accident Attorney, is the best decision for you. Bikers have rights, so let us fight for yours!